WhatsApp group for estate agents proving a big hit

WhatsApp group for estate agents proving a big hit

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Jerry Lyons

A WhatsApp group offering daily ideas for estate agents is proving popular.

The Daily Ideas for Estate Agents group was set-up by estate agent content creator Jerry Lyons.

Its premise is simple – each weekday at 7am, an idea is shared to help agents improve their marketing, mindset and much more.

Lyons said: “We started with three members in September, and it’s grown exponentially to more than 330 and growing all the time. We just wanted to share some useful stuff we’ve learned over the 15 years we’ve worked with agents. We’re now seeing the group’s members share some brilliant ideas.”

So far, more than 60 ideas have been shared with the group’s members, including the importance of sharing your agency’s values, how to use handwritten cards to create future opportunities with sellers and landlords and ways to protect your content from being stolen by other agents.

Group member, Dave Gibbons of Courtyard Properties, commented: “There are loads of Whats App groups for agents doing the rounds, but this pound for pound one of the very best. The ideas are interesting and insightful and are often already being implemented by top performers in the industry.”

The group is open to all UK-based estate agents and suppliers.

To request to join, visit the link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DlbL6oJJVyJ1XpSTYPzl2y


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